With the LUX MPS process, thermoplastic components from various AM processes such as SLS, MJF, HSS, SAF, AKF and FDM can be smoothed and finished in an eco-friendly and cost-efficient manner. Surfaces are sealed watertight and gas-tight and several properties are improved in a single step. The finished components are easy to clean, retain their conformity for food contact in accordance with EU 10/2011 and are ideally suited for design and medical products with prolonged skin contact. The color of components is intensified and protected, rotating components – such as impellers – and internal ducts can be optimized in terms of fluid technology.

Polyamide or TPU
Free of loose particles
Unlimited for wall thickness > 1 mm
Geometry-dependent for wall thicknesses < 1 mm
Certified for food contact according to EU 10/2011
In case your parts does not match those criteria, call us and we are ready to challenge our process on experimental basis.
Please read our process description and prepare your parts accordingly: